About Us


Australian Alliance Aluminium: Leading the Industry with Quality Aluminium Products for Steel Scaffold Systems

Australian Alliance Aluminium Pty Ltd specializes in aluminium products for steel scaffold systems, including stairs, ladders and handrails. With over 25 years of experience in aluminium industry, we have built our reputation on supplying outstanding quality and durability to the market.

The company is based in New South Wales and has established strong relationship with several major scaffold suppliers in the market, which have got network cross the whole nation. Therefore the end users are able to obtain the complete and efficient scaffold solution.

All products are designed and tested in Australia and made overseas. Australian Alliance Aluminium owns all rights on its products and the overseas manufacturing facility. The full range meets and exceeds Australian safety standards.

Australian Alliance Aluminium is committed to staying up to date with new and innovative technologies in order to deliver the most cost-effective solution to our customers.

Currently we mainly serve Australia and New Zealand markets.

Our Service Range

Currently we mainly serve Australia and New Zealand markets.

4 Fitzpatrick st, Revesby NSW 2212

02 9771 5923

0405 041 377

Fax : 02 9771 5948

Email : admin@ausaa.com.au

Our Quality & Certification

Get in touch

The team at Australian Alliance Aluminium is waiting to hear from you. All enquiries will be dealt with promptly because we believe that the quality of our customer service should meet that of our products.